I think there are monkey's living in this house!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

this week

This week we started "school" with Aaron. We're just doing a letter of the week and carrying that theme as far as we can : ) We studied ants, our All-powerful God, and did a little bit with apples. On Tuesday night, Aaron came down with the flu so we didn't do all of the activities that I had planned, but that's how life is sometimes. We did as much as we could.

Aaron practiced counting "apples" and putting them on the tree.

We made an apple tart in the shape of the letter "A"

Aaron's not ready for writing yet, so I just had him trace the letter "A" in flour a little bit. This is where I made a rookie mistake on Friday. Jonas needed to be changed and I thought "Aaron will be fine doing this for just a couple of minutes" Cue head-smacks. Yeah, I actually thought that.

This is the result of that thought:

what you can't see in this picture is that the flour is all over the floor too.

I couldn't keep Jonas from playing in it, so I put him in his crib while I swept and mopped the floor. Then I told Aaron to play in their room so that Jonas wouldn't be lonely. When I got done cleaning this is what I found...

Jonas wasn't very happy.
But actually I really needed to mop, so it was kind of a good thing, because otherwise I probably would have put it off... forever.

And if anyone was wondering.... I finished the alphabet plushes! I'm really happy with how they turned out!


  1. One really good laugh for an otherwise difficult day. Thanks.

  2. Doubly awesome! Awesome about your amazing beginning with the letter "A" - what achievements! And I absolutely adore the alphabet plushes... if you ever felt inclined to make another set... ahem... :)

    If you were paying attention, I made my absolute best attempt at using as many "A" words as I could in this comment. :P

  3. Love the alphabet letters. Did Aaron eat any of the tart?

  4. I'm with Denise - send any extra plush alphabet sets my way! ;)
